



Press release for 2019 LMT LAB DAY

​HeyGears is a technically innovative company focused on 3D printing applications and digital intelligent manufacturing technology. The company was founded in Guangzhou 2015, by a talented group of young men from the School of Engineering of the U.S. Public Ivy UIUC. Since founded, HeyGears has been dedicated to providing the cutting edge digital dental solutions for dental labs in China and the U

06-19 海讯社

《Auto Chess goes viral across the world, who knows it comes from Drodo Studio , a team from China with only 5 people?

Recently, Auto Chess, which is based on DOTA2, has gone viral all over the world. It quickly became the first sensational game of 2019. In only ten days Auto Chess has attracted 100,000 players. As of now there are already 6.8 million subscribers on Steam, with peaks of over 400,000 players online. More than 3.09 million players have given positive reviews, which exceeds DOTA2 over the same peri

06-19 海讯社

CYCJET Pharmacy traceability inkjet printing system

Abstract: Medicine is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and life and health must be regulated by the most stringent standards. Therefore, it is also reasonable for the enterprise to be the main responsible party to be required to establish a drug information traceability system to ensure product safety. The traceability of medical products is essentially a collection of “one


韩国LADY HOUSE公司“merdevie”系列产品,专为呵护女性私密处而生

随着明媚的春景持续,外出活动频繁。随着天气转暖,人们对个人清洁的关注也越来越高,特别是女性对于被称为"秘密地带"的Y-zone管理也花费不少心思。 韩国LADY HOUSE公司集中于研发、生产现代女性需要的产品,吸引着大众目光。


The First Mentioned area of “Park City”: New Exploration of Tianfu New Area in Chengdu, China

​Chengdu, China The first Park City Forum was held in Chengdu, China, on April 22. The development concept and life scene of future cities have become the focus of global experts' discussion. In the process of urbanization, China has made frequent efforts to set up Xiongan New Area and issued the development plan of the Greater Bay Area of Guandong ,Hongkong and Macao. The concept of “park city”,




06-19 海讯社


海外媒体发稿有两种渠道,一种是通稿发布,就是一篇稿件推送给几千家欧美媒体,保证落地转发媒体链接不少于400条。大部分是综合性的媒体。通常可上谷歌雅虎必应三大英文搜索引擎。这个渠道便宜,性价比高,覆盖人群广。 选择付费发通稿是一个效率相对高,并且节省时间和经济成本的传播方式。但是,即使是发通稿,也有几个关键的环节要过,这里首先想谈一下编辑这个环节。我们的稿件能否发布到海外的媒体,一个很重要的环节就是“编辑”,“编辑”决定了我们的稿子能否被刊登到各个新闻板块。

06-19 海讯社

Film and foil on inkjet printer solutions

Low density polyethylene (LDPE) and flexible metalized films are widely used in confectionery and savory snack packaging. Soft packaging materials can be seen as the main carrier of modern product packaging. How to achieve perfect and clear marking on soft packaging film and aluminum foil is a problem that the marking industry needs to consider at the beginning of the development of the marking sc



摘要:在如今大数据下的人工智能+席卷而来,经过短暂的两到三年发展,智能陪护机器人井喷式爆发,更多的机器人逐渐走进家庭。那么,机器人究竟给人们生活带来哪些变化?“人工智能”产业发展现状又如何? ​随着“人工智能”时代的到来,以往只在工业领域出现的机器人,如今穿越工业生产线走向服务业,来到百姓身边,从餐厅点餐送餐到银行大堂客服,从儿童教育陪伴到老人关爱陪护,从扫地到擦窗,甚至驾校也引进了机器人当教练,机器人悄然闯入百姓生活,逐渐成为市场新宠。

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